1. Login / Register
Click here to login or register a new account.
2. Post
After successfully logged in, by clicking "Post" you able to create a new article, view your uploaded article, delete article or edit article.
3. Click "Here"
Click "Here" to post a new article.
4. Introduction
Fill in the description of your business or article. Click "Next" to proceed to post your business's or article's information.
5. Pin Location
"Click to pin location" of your business or article. After pinned point, click "done" button to save location onto the map.
6. Search Location
Alternatively, you can use the 'search location' box to locate the location by typing in your area name.
7. Insert Images
Click "Insert Image" to upload images from your desktop. Maximum upload of 5 images per article.
8. Caption
Click "Edit" button to key in your caption and click "Save" button when done.
9. Final Step
Click "Publish" to post your article online.
10. Edit Post
Click "Edit" button to edit your uploaded post.
1. Login / Register
Click here to login or register a new account.
2. Post (Scroll to End of the Page)
After successfully logged in, scroll down and the Post Button is located at bottom of the page. Click "Post" to create a new article, view your uploaded article, delete article or edit article.
3. Click "Here"
Click "Here" to post a new article.
4. Introduction
Fill in the description of your business or article. Click "Next" to proceed to post your business's or article's information.
5. Pin Location
"Click to pin location" of your business or article. After pinned point, click "done" button to save location onto the map.
6. Search Location
Alternatively, you can use the 'search location' box to locate the location by typing in your area name.
7. Insert Images
Click "Insert Image" to upload images from your desktop. Maximum upload of 5 images per article.
8. Caption
Click "Edit" button to key in your caption and click "Save" button when done.
9. Final Step
Click "Publish" to post your article online.
10. Edit Post
Click "Edit" button to edit your uploaded post.